Digital Media and the Global Contemporary

Broadly speaking, the early twenty-first century is both increasingly global, and increasingly shaped by digital technology.

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Duration Without Breaks: Marclay and McQueen Against the Clock

‘There is a bitter and dark struggle around time and the use of time’. Thus wrote Henri Lefebvre and Catherine Régulier in an 1985 article later collected in Lefebvre’s final set of essays, Rhythmanalysis, posthumously published in 1992 (Lefebvre 83). As if the day is not long enough for all our repetitive tasks, the …

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The Legitimacy of Literary Opinion

The influences of cyberspace have been decried as the death of literature as we know it, the death of the book, and now also as the death of the critic. The changes introduced by the Internet in the production and reception of literature …

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Digital Metaphors: Editor’s Introduction

Tao Lin’s recent novel Taipei (2013) is a fictional document of life in our current digital culture. The protagonist, Paul — who is loosely based on the author — is numb from his always turned on digitally mediated life, and throughout the novel increases his recreational…

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Explorations in the Ergodic

As our lives become more networked, people are engaging more and more with structures. But they are not merely inhabiting these structures – they are…

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The Short Story: A Print Culture Reading

Over the last few decades, the short story has been the subject of a fierce medical dispute. Observers have gathered to ask, like Ishmael of the Leviathan in Moby-Dick…

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Androids in the Academy

There is something uncomfortable about David, the android from Ridley Scott’s 2012 film Prometheus. This is partly due to the various interpellations…

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