Responding to the Chance of Space in Marshland

Doreen Massey, writing in her visionary book For Space, sets out a rallying cry for the building of interrelationships in the spaces of the contemporary world: ‘In this other spatiality, different temporalities and different voices must work out means of accommodation. The chance of space must be responded to’. In…


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Queerversity: Desire and Sexuality in China Miéville’s Fiction

Antke Engel, who works in the field of gender studies and queer theory, points out that gender difference and heteronormativity are organised by two mechanisms of power, normalisation and hierarchisation. Binary constructs have a crucial function in these processes. They influence concepts of identity and self-identification but are undermined by …

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Identity and Consciousness in Dial H

With DC’s “New 52” reboot of Dial H China Miéville has re-entered the genre of comics after a guest episode of Hellblazer and a much-discussed but ultimately…

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The Short Story: A Print Culture Reading

Over the last few decades, the short story has been the subject of a fierce medical dispute. Observers have gathered to ask, like Ishmael of the Leviathan in Moby-Dick…

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Insurgent Subliteratures: Fictions of Resistance

This article is concerned with the fictional forms of cultural resistance and experiment of the last twenty years, which I have called alternative fictioneers…

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Gaming and the Novel

In ‘Postcards from the Posthuman Solar System’, Scott Bukatman argues that ‘The body is no longer simply the repository of the soul; it has become…

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