A Unified Scene? Global Fictions in the C21

The twenty-first century has been marked by an unprecedented intensification in globalisation, transnational mobility and technological change. According to Peter Boxall, there has been a ‘turn in the fiction of the new century’ to reflect this ‘contemporary global condition’ (Boxall 141). This turn is especially pertinent to any discussion of literature from Britain or the United States …

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Reconsidering Quarantine in Invasion Narratives

The academic and public interest in supernatural invasion narratives has increased exponentially in the 20th and 21st centuries. According to Terrence Rafferty of The New York Times, the fascination with the zombie apocalypse …

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Insurgent Subliteratures: Fictions of Resistance

This article is concerned with the fictional forms of cultural resistance and experiment of the last twenty years, which I have called alternative fictioneers…

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Departures: The Novel, the Non-Place and the Airport

The term airport novel is something of a misnomer: while the spy novel must by definition involve spying and the historical novel takes readers back into history, airport novels aspire to remove us from the world of the airport. Designed to distract the reader from the boredom…

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Alternative Fictioneers

Outside of academic postmodernism, around the edges of genre fiction, and beyond the purview of the mainstream literary novel…

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