CfP Alluvium 7.6: Contemporary Storytelling and Seriality

Alluvium is an open access journal featuring short essays of around 2000 words on key issues and emerging trends in 21st century writing and criticism. The journal publishes six issues a year, employing a system of post-publication peer-review by the engaged commentariat on the message boards of the journal’s website, enabling vital current ideas to find a rapid readership. 

We invite proposals for our December 2019 issue on Contemporary Storytelling and Seriality: Production, Consumption, Reception. Articles may engage broadly with the definition of seriality and its relationship with contemporary culture, or focus on particular texts, forms or questions about seriality in contemporary literary production. 

Topics might include but are definitely not limited to:

  • Serial storytelling in and across different media: TV, comics, games, digital social media platforms, podcasts, literary forms including autofiction and the novel, criticism 
  • Narrative affordances of serial stories: possibilities, innovations, challenges to narratology
  • The temporalities of serial narratives: including delays, pauses, repetitions, re-writings, the temporality of lived reading experience
  • Consuming contemporary serials: the markets and marketing of serial narratives, streaming services, patterns of consumption across different media
  • Reception of serial narratives: including communities, fandom, affects and investment 
  • Generational seriality, reboots and returns 
  • Experiences of creating and producing contemporary serial work/s
  • Serial narratives and the affordances of media technologies.

In line with BACLS’s rolling definition of the contemporary, Alluvium assumes a fluid and hybrid understanding of the contemporary moment, rather than a specific periodisation. 

If you are interested in contributing to this issue please email an abstract (max 250 words) outlining your proposed article/s.  We are keen to include voices from a range of academic disciplines and from creative practitioners.

Please send abstracts and a short bio-note by 2 October 2019, including your name, email, and institutional affiliation, to editorial@alluvium-journal.orgThe deadline for submission of 2000-word articles will be 22 November (issue release 19 December 2019), and we will respond to all abstracts by 11 October.

If you have questions or suggestions please feel free to contact Alluvium editors Chloe Ashbridge, Zoe Bulaitis, or Caroline Wintersgill, or this issue’s guest editors Ricarda Menn ( and Kate Wilkinson (

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