Call for Articles

Alluvium is back!

Image by Steve James under a CC BY-NC-ND 2.0

After a short hiatus, we are delighted to share a call for submissions for the relaunch of Alluvium as a partner journal of the British Association of Contemporary Literary Studies. Alluvium is an open access journal featuring short essays of around 2000 words on key issues and emerging trends in 21st century writing and criticism. The journal publishes six issues a year, employing a system of post-publication peer-review by the engaged commentariat on the message boards of the journal’s website, enabling vital current ideas to find a rapid readership.

The editorial board of Alluvium welcome proposals for essays to be published in 2019. We plan three general issues and three special issues on Defining the Contemporary (February), The Global Contemporary (June) and Contemporary Literature and Artistic Practice (October).  We seek both broad contributions, engaging with the definition of contemporary literature and criticism and its relationship with 21st century culture, society and politics, and more specific contributions on particular issues, themes or genres in contemporary literary production.

Possible topics might include, but are not limited to:

Literary responses to contemporary politics

Ecocriticism and climate crisis

Digital humanities

New perspectives on cultural and critical theory

Postcolonial literature

Twenty-first-century genres

Historical fiction

Medical humanities

Dystopian / Utopian visions

Pedagogical approaches to contemporary literary studies

21st century literary prize culture

Literature and inequality

Literature and the contemporary arts

In the spirit of BACLS’ rolling definition of ‘the contemporary’, Alluvium assumes a fluid and hybrid understanding of the contemporary moment, rather than a given periodisation.  We welcome proposals either for single articles or for series of two or three articles and we encourage the use of visual material. If you are interested in contributing to Alluvium in 2019 please email an abstract (max 250 words) outlining your proposed article/s.  We are particularly keen to include voices from a range of academic disciplines, alongside those of creative practitioners.

Please send abstracts and a short bio-note (including your name, email, and institutional affiliation) to Please also include an indication of when you plan to deliver this article during 2019.  If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free contact Alluvium Editors Chloe Ashbridge, Zoe Bulaitis, or Caroline Wintersgill.

The deadline for submission of full articles to be published in the next issue is the 25th January 2019 (issue release 21st February 2019). However, we consider articles on a rolling basis. Our intention is that all abstracts accepted up to the end of April will have a publication slot during 2019.

Alluvium is relaunching!
After a short hiatus, we are delighted to share a call for
submissions for the relaunch of Alluvium as a partner
journal of the British Association of Contemporary
Literary Studies. Alluvium is an open access journal
featuring short essays (c. 2000 words) on key issues and
emerging trends in 21st century writing and criticism.
The editorial board of Alluvium currently welcome
proposals for essays to be published in 2019.
We plan three general issues and three special issues on
Defining the Contemporary (February), The Global
Contemporary (June) and Contemporary Literature and
Artistic Practice (October). We seek both broad
contributions, engaging with the definition of
contemporary literature and criticism and its relationship
with 21st century culture, society and politics, and more
specific contributions on particular issues, themes or
genres in contemporary literary production.
If you are interested in contributing to Alluvium in 2019 please email an abstract (max 250
words) outlining your proposed article/s. We are particularly keen to include voices from a
range of academic disciplines, alongside those of creative practitioners. Please send abstracts
and a short bio-note (including your name, email, and institutional affiliation) to Please also include an indication of when you plan to
deliver this article during 2019.
The deadline for submission of full articles to be published in the next issue “Defining the Contemporary” is
the 25th January 2019. Please feel free to submit an abstract if you have something in mind for our re-launch
issue and we will get back to you promptly. We also consider article abstracts on a rolling basis. Our
intention is that all abstracts accepted up to the end of April will have a publication slot during 2019.
If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free contact Alluvium Managing Editors Chloe
Ashbridge, Zoe Bulaitis, or Caroline Wintersgill via

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