Incipience and the Historical Subject

Every year at 4am on the Monday that follows Ash Wednesday, the street lighting is turned off in the city of Basel, north Switzerland. The “Morgestraich” precession that follows signals the start of the Fasnacht Carnival. During…

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Comics and Page Bleeds

We are used to seeing comics as a succession of neatly ordered panels, each containing images and words that combine together to tell a story. In my last paper for Alluvium, ‘Panel Transitions in Trauma Comics,’ (Alluvium Vol. 2, No. 1…

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Shakespeare on Television, this Millennium

‘#MargaretThatcher’s ousting from Downing Street described on R4 in terms of a great Shakespearean tragedy #Shakespeare’, ‘Spotting #Shakespeare paraphrases in #FreshMeat’, ‘C4’s tribute to Richard Briars…

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Hypodermics at the fin-de-siècle

The hypodermic syringe has had a profound impact upon the administration of medicine and upon non-medicinal/recreational drug use since it was first marketed in the 1850s. Here, I investigate early depictions…

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